Monday, April 6, 2015

                             Learning from Video Games
  In the concept paper “Learning and Experiencing from Gaming” (2013) written by Martin Hoag, implies that people can learn and experience about the reality of environment by playing video games. Hoag proved his theses by giving different examples of video games that are actually played in the world. The purpose of Hoag is to highlight video games in order to inform people that video games are not a waste of time, but it is the way people can learn to be abstracted and concrete. The intended audience of this concept paper is for all the people who want to learn the advantage of video game.
     I agree with Martin Hoag concept paper. I have learned a lot of things by playing a video game that related to the actual human day to day life. For example, if I lost a video game, I will try again and I will look different ways to win. This teach me how I can be successful in my real life too by solving different lifestyle problem. So video games can teach people in different assorts.
     Most people believes video games are created just only for fun or relaxations. However, Martin Hoag disprove those people thinking by “Video games does not merely serve as light entertainment: they also teach us valuable lessons and experiences” (173). Video games are used as a training purpose for army and police officers.  Hoag asserts that “The Chinese military and police services, the People’s Liberation Army- PLA- and the People Armed Police –PAP- use a local area network first-person shooting game for training purposes titled Counter Strike (Wee)” (175-176). This training gives advantage for the player to gain the skill how to protect his/ her enemies. Besides, the societies are safe from terrorist and other enemies if the military are strong.

Video games also teach the players how to survive or regain something in their life after they loss or it’s on the way to losing. Hoag states that, “The player is put in a state of tension while playing, forbidding himself to allow any of his unit to die, or else he would restart the game from the begging, and that once the player complete the game, he gains a feeling of satisfaction…” (179). As a result, people can learn video games gives us a lot of environmental experiences.