Friday, March 27, 2015

     In article “This Is Your Brain in Meltdown” (2012), written by Arnsten, Amy, Carolyn M. Mazure, and Rajita Sinha implies that stress could disorder the functions of brain, and they explain how regains the brain function after affected by stress. Arnsten, Mazure, and Sinha supports the theses by giving different research results on the circuit of the brain. The purpose of this article is to persuade the readers in order to know the functions of the brain, keep up the brain function well, and control the stress. The audience of the article is all the people who struggling with stress and medical students.
     I agree the length of the exam reduce the ability of students to get a better score. Exam is temporarily blank, fold, or choke human brain because our prefrontal cortex is sensitive. This article is really helpful to know the structures of the brain and its functions. Not only the structures and functions of the brain but also helpful to know which behaviors disturb its functions and how the little stress disorder the functions of the brain. This article also shows the way to reduce stress.

     Arsten, Amy, Carolyn M. Mazure, and Rajita Sinha describes the human brain structures, functions, and stress. The prefrontal cortex is the control center of the brain and mediates the circuit of the brain. The prefrontal cortex structure is hierarchy and sensitive to stress. The functions of the brain influenced by stress.  According to Arsten, Carolyn, and Sinha “uncontrollable stress sets off a series of chemical events that weaken the influence of prefrontal cortex” (161). They also describe how regain the brain functions as “success in managing challenging situations can build resilience” (165).  
Picture of Human Brain

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