Thursday, March 26, 2015

It Wasn't Me

     In the Josh Green's personal essay " How it Feels to be Falsely Accused" (2014) ,  which was a case defended by the Georgia Innocence Project, Green implies that Clarence Harrison had been a victim of the justice system. Green shows this by giving details about the case that convicted Mr. Harrison of rape, robbery, and kidnapping and how it changed Harrison's life forever. Green does this in order to show how a person's life was taken away because of flaws made in the justice system. The intended audience is for people who were or are incarcerated and how your life is changed due to lack of representation and evidence.
     Just from reading this article, it bought back memories about a man in my hometown that was also falsely accused and spent years in prison for a murder charge. It took the F.B.I. to come in and acquit this man and give him back his freedom. When it all boiled down, it was a relative of the girl who had committed the crime. You see a lot of people being exonerated now and are offered large sums of money for being falsely accused and having decades of their lives taken away from them. In my opinion no sum of money can replace life as a whole.
     Harrison was hurt when he learned the amount of time that he had just received and realized that it tore his mom to pieces. "She felt the hurt before I did, because I didn't accept it (194). He did what he could to help with his case but it was too stressful."I started getting too many migraine headaches, stressing myself out (194). He had lost all hope in becoming free again. The day they told me they lost the evidence and when my mother passed-those would be the worst two days. Once he got help from the outside things began to look better for him in one way but bad in another. He didn't know how he would make it in a new society since all he knew was what prison had taught him." When I left, [Interstate] 20 wasn't but two lanes on each side (195). It was a blessing for him to be freed but the people and time he lost changed his life forever.

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