Friday, March 6, 2015

Environmental Difference 
      In the personal essay “Talking in Color: Collision of Culture” (2013), written by Tiffany Hendrickson, implies that the power of the voice, and voice is different based on the environment. Hendrickson describes the power of voice by telling her experience and her struggle to communicate with the College students who have the same skin color with her. Hendrickson’s essay aided on the power of voice in order to inform the reader that the difference of voice and color are the culture of the society. The audience of this essay is all the people who struggle with being different from others.
     I feel Hendrickson's essay will change a lot of readers  who judged someone depending on their  voice and color.  Voice and color are a natural gifts and may differ depending on the society where he/she grew up. No one knows each persons history, therefore their accent should not be judged.             Hendrickson clearly support her thesis by giving details of  her experience at home,  while visiting her neighbor, and at the university she attended. She indicates the power of voice at the beginning of the first paragraph “growing up with a completely deaf mother, voices and massages are assorted in our household” (paragraph 1, line 4, Hendrickson). Hendrickson also reveals to the reader, voice is an accent which adapted from the surrounding society, “When I walk outside, in what most people would call impoverished African American neighborhood, I see faces not similar to mine, but I hear voices that sound familiar” (paragraph 1). She is also describe most people matched voice and color as “He had this look of disappointment on his face and said “well, then talk white. Stop talking like a nigger!”” (Paragraph 6).   

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